Monday, March 7, 2011

Mark Cuban

Mark Cuban is a loud, cocky, arrogant NBA owner who gets fined more than any other owner in the league.  He tried to become the majority owner of the Texas Rangers, but barely failed.  His team has never won an NBA championship.  He traded away Steve Nash before he hit his prime and won 2 MVPs in Phoenix.  He broke up the original Big Three of Nash, Finley, and Dirk.  Now, he is trying to team up with one of the most embarrassing, despised, and insane men in America for a TV show.  And he is an absolute genius.

Aside from the moves I mentioned, he has created a team with a number of big named all-stars in one of the top 5 biggest media markets in America.  Dirk, Kidd, Marion, Terry, Peja Stojakovic, Tyson Chandler, and Caron Butler, just to name a few.  They are 2 deep in every position.  They are always in the hunt, and if it wasn't for a few unfortunate calls in the finals and Dwayne Wade going nuts, they would have a ring.  Also, he should be the owner of the Texas Rangers, but the MLB screwed him over big time.  The league and the Rangers wanted Nolan Ryan to be the owner and that was that.  Cuban offered more money, but that didn't matter.  It was very political.  That being said, it was probably a good decision for the Rangers and the league, as Cuban may have caused problems, while Ryan is a legend of the game.

More importantly, than what he does on the court, he is a marketing genius.  He was on Entourage promoting Vinny Chase and Turtle's new Tequila, Avion.  All his side-line antics have created a buzz for him and his team.  No publicity is bad publicity for celebrities, and he knows this better than anyone.  Now, he is trying to team up with Charlie Sheen for a reality show.  Sheen who just got blasted for his behaviors with drugs and prostitutes.  Sheen who just went on an interview and quoted the late, great Allen Iverson, about how it's not bad to miss a practice every once in a while.  Sheen who has more followers on Twitter than anyone not named Kardashian or Gaga.  Sheen, one of the most hated, talked about, and popular people in America.  For this, and for many other things, Mark Cuban is a genius and should be admired despite his unusual, brash, in your face, and arrogant tactics.

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